fiona package



fiona.collection module

Collections provide file-like access to feature data.

class fiona.collection.BytesCollection(bytesbuf, **kwds)

Bases: Collection

BytesCollection takes a buffer of bytes and maps that to a virtual file that can then be opened by fiona.


Removes the virtual file associated with the class.

class fiona.collection.Collection(path, mode='r', driver=None, schema=None, crs=None, encoding=None, layer=None, vsi=None, archive=None, enabled_drivers=None, crs_wkt=None, ignore_fields=None, ignore_geometry=False, include_fields=None, wkt_version=None, allow_unsupported_drivers=False, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A file-like interface to features of a vector dataset

Python text file objects are iterators over lines of a file. Fiona Collections are similar iterators (not lists!) over features represented as GeoJSON-like mappings.

property bounds

Returns (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).


In append or write mode, flushes data to disk, then ends access.

property closed

False if data can be accessed, otherwise True.

property crs

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the Collection.

property crs_wkt

Returns a WKT string.

property driver

Returns the name of the proper OGR driver.

filter(*args, **kwds)

Returns an iterator over records, but filtered by a test for spatial intersection with the provided bbox, a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple or a geometry mask. An attribute filter can be set using an SQL where clause, which uses the OGR SQL dialect.

Positional arguments stop or start, stop[, step] allows iteration to skip over items or stop at a specific item.

Note: spatial filtering using mask may be inaccurate and returning all features overlapping the envelope of mask.


Flush the buffer.

get_tag_item(key, ns=None)

Returns tag item value

  • key (str) – The key for the metadata item to fetch.

  • ns (str, optional) – Used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:


items(*args, **kwds)

Returns an iterator over FID, record pairs, optionally filtered by a test for spatial intersection with the provided bbox, a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple or a geometry mask. An attribute filter can be set using an SQL where clause, which uses the OGR SQL dialect.

Positional arguments stop or start, stop[, step] allows iteration to skip over items or stop at a specific item.

Note: spatial filtering using mask may be inaccurate and returning all features overlapping the envelope of mask.

keys(*args, **kwds)

Returns an iterator over FIDs, optionally filtered by a test for spatial intersection with the provided bbox, a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple or a geometry mask. An attribute filter can be set using an SQL where clause, which uses the OGR SQL dialect.

Positional arguments stop or start, stop[, step] allows iteration to skip over items or stop at a specific item.

Note: spatial filtering using mask may be inaccurate and returning all features overlapping the envelope of mask.

property meta

Returns a mapping with the driver, schema, crs, and additional properties.


Returns next record from iterator.

property profile

Returns a mapping with the driver, schema, crs, and additional properties.

property schema

Returns a mapping describing the data schema.

The mapping has ‘geometry’ and ‘properties’ items. The former is a string such as ‘Point’ and the latter is an ordered mapping that follows the order of fields in the data file.


Returns a dict containing copies of the dataset or layers’s tags. Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and ‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional namespaces.


ns (str, optional) – Can be used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:


update_tag_item(key, tag, ns=None)

Updates the tag item value

  • key (str) – The key for the metadata item to set.

  • tag (str) – The value of the metadata item to set.

  • ns (str, optional) – Used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:


update_tags(tags, ns=None)

Writes a dict containing the dataset or layers’s tags. Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and ‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional namespaces.

  • tags (dict) – The dict of metadata items to set.

  • ns (str, optional) – Used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:



Compares the record to the collection’s schema.

Returns True if the record matches, else False.


Compares the record’s geometry to the collection’s schema.

Returns True if the record matches, else False.

values(*args, **kwds)

Returns an iterator over records, but filtered by a test for spatial intersection with the provided bbox, a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple or a geometry mask. An attribute filter can be set using an SQL where clause, which uses the OGR SQL dialect.

Positional arguments stop or start, stop[, step] allows iteration to skip over items or stop at a specific item.

Note: spatial filtering using mask may be inaccurate and returning all features overlapping the envelope of mask.


Stages a record for writing to disk.

Note: Each call of this method will start and commit a unique transaction with the data source.


Stages multiple records for writing to disk.


Detect compression type of bytesbuf.

ZIP only. TODO: add others relevant to GDAL/OGR.

fiona.compat module

fiona.compat.strencode(instr, encoding='utf-8') module

Coordinate reference systems, the CRS class and supporting functions.

A coordinate reference system (CRS) defines how a dataset’s pixels map to locations on, for example, a globe or the Earth. A CRS may be local or global. The GIS field shares a number of authority files that define CRS. “EPSG:32618” is the name of a regional CRS from the European Petroleum Survey Group authority file. “OGC:CRS84” is the name of a global CRS from the Open Geospatial Consortium authority. Custom CRS can be described in text using several formats. Rasterio’s CRS class is our abstraction for coordinate reference systems.

A fiona.Collection’s crs property is an instance of CRS. CRS are also used to define transformations between coordinate reference systems. These transformations are performed by the PROJ library. Rasterio does not call PROJ functions directly, but invokes them via calls to GDAL’s “OSR*” functions.

class, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A geographic or projected coordinate reference system.

New in version 1.9.0.

CRS objects may be created by passing PROJ parameters as keyword arguments to the standard constructor or by passing EPSG codes, PROJ mappings, PROJ strings, or WKT strings to the from_epsg, from_dict, from_string, or from_wkt static methods.


The from_dict method takes PROJ parameters as keyword arguments.

>>> crs = CRS.from_dict(proj="aea")

EPSG codes may be used with the from_epsg method.

>>> crs = CRS.from_epsg(3005)

The from_string method takes a variety of input.

>>> crs = CRS.from_string("EPSG:3005")

A PROJ4 dict representation of the CRS.

static from_authority(auth_name, code)

Make a CRS from an authority name and code.

New in version 1.9.0.

  • auth_name (str) – The name of the authority.

  • code (int or str) – The code used by the authority.

Return type:




static from_dict(initialdata=None, **kwargs)

Make a CRS from a dict of PROJ parameters or PROJ JSON.

  • initialdata (mapping, optional) – A dictionary or other mapping

  • kwargs (mapping, optional) – Another mapping. Will be overlaid on the initialdata.

Return type:




static from_epsg(code)

Make a CRS from an EPSG code.


code (int or str) – An EPSG code. Strings will be converted to integers.


The input code is not validated against an EPSG database.

Return type:




static from_proj4(proj)

Make a CRS from a PROJ4 string.


proj (str) – A PROJ4 string like “+proj=longlat …”

Return type:




static from_string(value, morph_from_esri_dialect=False)

Make a CRS from an EPSG, PROJ, or WKT string

  • value (str) – An EPSG, PROJ, or WKT string.

  • morph_from_esri_dialect (bool, optional) – If True, items in the input using Esri’s dialect of WKT will be replaced by OGC standard equivalents.

Return type:




static from_user_input(value, morph_from_esri_dialect=False)

Make a CRS from a variety of inputs.

  • value (object) – User input of many different kinds.

  • morph_from_esri_dialect (bool, optional) – If True, items in the input using Esri’s dialect of WKT will be replaced by OGC standard equivalents.

Return type:




static from_wkt(wkt, morph_from_esri_dialect=False)

Make a CRS from a WKT string.

  • wkt (str) – A WKT string.

  • morph_from_esri_dialect (bool, optional) – If True, items in the input using Esri’s dialect of WKT will be replaced by OGC standard equivalents.

Return type:




get(self, item)

Test if the CRS is defined by an EPSG code.

Return type:



Test if the CRS is a geographic coordinate reference system.

Return type:





Test if the CRS is a projected coordinate reference system.

Return type:





Test that the CRS is a geographic or projected CRS.

Return type:



Get a short name for the linear units of the CRS.


units – “m”, “ft”, etc.

Return type:





Get linear units and the conversion factor to meters of the CRS.


  • units (str) – “m”, “ft”, etc.

  • factor (float) – Ratio of one unit to one meter.



to_authority(self, confidence_threshold=70)

Convert to the best match authority name and code.

For a CRS created using an EPSG code, that same value is returned. For other CRS, including custom CRS, an attempt is made to match it to definitions in authority files. Matches with a confidence below the threshold are discarded.


confidence_threshold (int) – Percent match confidence threshold (0-100).


  • name (str) – Authority name.

  • code (str) – Code from the authority file.

  • or None

to_dict(self, projjson=False)

Convert CRS to a PROJ dict.


If there is a corresponding EPSG code, it will be used when returning PROJ parameter dict.

New in version 1.9.0.


projjson (bool, default=False) – If True, will convert to PROJ JSON dict (Requites GDAL 3.1+ and PROJ 6.2+). If False, will convert to PROJ parameter dict.

Return type:


to_epsg(self, confidence_threshold=70)

Convert to the best match EPSG code.

For a CRS created using an EPSG code, that same value is returned. For other CRS, including custom CRS, an attempt is made to match it to definitions in the EPSG authority file. Matches with a confidence below the threshold are discarded.


confidence_threshold (int) – Percent match confidence threshold (0-100).

Return type:

int or None




Convert to a PROJ4 representation.

Return type:



Convert to a PROJ4 or WKT string.

The output will be reduced as much as possible by attempting a match to CRS defined in authority files.


Mapping keys are tested against the all_proj_keys list. Values of True are omitted, leaving the key bare: {‘no_defs’: True} -> “+no_defs” and items where the value is otherwise not a str, int, or float are omitted.

Return type:




to_wkt(self, morph_to_esri_dialect=False, version=None)

Convert to a OGC WKT representation.

New in version 1.9.0.

  • morph_to_esri_dialect (bool, optional) – Whether or not to morph to the Esri dialect of WKT Only applies to GDAL versions < 3. This parameter will be removed in a future version of fiona (2.0.0).

  • version (WktVersion or str, optional) – The version of the WKT output. Defaults to GDAL’s default (WKT1_GDAL for GDAL 3).

Return type:





Get units and the conversion factor of the CRS.


  • units (str) – “m”, “ft”, etc.

  • factor (float) – Ratio of one unit to one radian if the CRS is geographic otherwise, it is to one meter.




An OGC WKT representation of the CRS

Return type:


Test if the CRS is in latlon order

New in version 1.9.0.

From GDAL docs:

> This method returns TRUE if EPSG feels this geographic coordinate system should be treated as having lat/long coordinate ordering.

> Currently this returns TRUE for all geographic coordinate systems with an EPSG code set, and axes set defining it as lat, long.

> FALSE will be returned for all coordinate systems that are not geographic, or that do not have an EPSG code set.

> Note

> Important change of behavior since GDAL 3.0. In previous versions, geographic CRS imported with importFromEPSG() would cause this method to return FALSE on them, whereas now it returns TRUE, since importFromEPSG() is now equivalent to importFromEPSGA().


input_crs (CRS) – Coordinate reference system, as a fiona CRS object Example: CRS({‘init’: ‘EPSG:4326’})

Return type:


Test if the CRS should be treated as having northing/easting coordinate ordering

New in version 1.9.0.

From GDAL docs:

> This method returns TRUE if EPSG feels this projected coordinate system should be treated as having northing/easting coordinate ordering.

> Currently this returns TRUE for all projected coordinate systems with an EPSG code set, and axes set defining it as northing, easting.

> FALSE will be returned for all coordinate systems that are not projected, or that do not have an EPSG code set.

> Note

> Important change of behavior since GDAL 3.0. In previous versions, projected CRS with northing, easting axis order imported with importFromEPSG() would cause this method to return FALSE on them, whereas now it returns TRUE, since importFromEPSG() is now equivalent to importFromEPSGA().


input_crs (CRS) – Coordinate reference system, as a fiona CRS object Example: CRS({‘init’: ‘EPSG:4326’})

Return type:


Given an integer code, returns an EPSG-like mapping.

Deprecated since version 1.9.0: This function will be removed in version 2.0. Please use CRS.from_epsg() instead.

Turn a PROJ.4 string into a mapping of parameters.

Deprecated since version 1.9.0: This function will be removed in version 2.0. Please use CRS.from_string() instead.

Turn a parameter mapping into a more conventional PROJ.4 string.

Deprecated since version 1.9.0: This function will be removed in version 2.0. Please use CRS.to_string() instead.

fiona.drvsupport module


Attempt to auto-detect driver based on the extension.


path (str or pathlike object) – The path to the dataset to write with.


The name of the driver for the extension.

Return type:



Map of extensions to the driver.

Return type:


fiona.env module

Fiona’s GDAL/AWS environment

class fiona.env.Env(session=None, aws_unsigned=False, profile_name=None, session_class=<function Session.aws_or_dummy>, **options)

Bases: object

Abstraction for GDAL and AWS configuration

The GDAL library is stateful: it has a registry of format drivers, an error stack, and dozens of configuration options.

Fiona’s approach to working with GDAL is to wrap all the state up using a Python context manager (see PEP 343, When the context is entered GDAL drivers are registered, error handlers are configured, and configuration options are set. When the context is exited, drivers are removed from the registry and other configurations are removed.


with fiona.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:

# All drivers are registered, GDAL’s raster block cache # size is set to 512MB. # Commence processing… … # End of processing.

# At this point, configuration options are set to their # previous (possible unset) values.

A boto3 session or boto3 session constructor arguments aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token may be passed to Env’s constructor. In the latter case, a session will be created as soon as needed. AWS credentials are configured for GDAL as needed.


Get credentials and configure GDAL

Note well: this method is a no-op if the GDAL environment already has credentials, unless session is not None.

Return type:


classmethod default_options()

Default configuration options



Return type:



Return a mapping of registered drivers.

classmethod from_defaults(*args, **kwargs)

Create an environment with default config options

  • args (optional) – Positional arguments for Env()

  • kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for Env()

Return type:



The items in kwargs will be overlaid on the default values.

class fiona.env.GDALVersion(major=0, minor=0)

Bases: object

Convenience class for obtaining GDAL major and minor version components and comparing between versions. This is highly simplistic and assumes a very normal numbering scheme for versions and ignores everything except the major and minor components.

classmethod parse(input)

Parses input tuple or string to GDALVersion. If input is a GDALVersion instance, it is returned.


input (tuple of (major, minor), string, or instance of GDALVersion) –

Return type:

GDALVersion instance

classmethod runtime()

Return GDALVersion of current GDAL runtime

class fiona.env.NullContextManager

Bases: object

class fiona.env.ThreadEnv

Bases: _local


Create a default environment if necessary.


Delete options in the existing environment.


A decorator that ensures an env exists before a function calls any GDAL C functions.


f (function) – A function.

Return type:

A function wrapper.


If there is already an existing environment, the wrapper does nothing and immediately calls f with the given arguments.


Ensures a config environment exists and has credentials.


f (function) – A function.

Return type:

A function wrapper.


The function wrapper checks the first argument of f and credentializes the environment if the first argument is a URI with scheme “s3”.

If there is already an existing environment, the wrapper does nothing and immediately calls f with the given arguments.


Return an Env if one does not exist

Return type:

Env or a do-nothing context manager


Get a mapping of current options.

fiona.env.require_gdal_version(version, param=None, values=None, is_max_version=False, reason='')

A decorator that ensures the called function or parameters are supported by the runtime version of GDAL. Raises GDALVersionError if conditions are not met.


@require_gdal_version(‘2.2’) def some_func():

calling some_func with a runtime version of GDAL that is < 2.2 raises a GDALVersionErorr.

@require_gdal_version(‘2.2’, param=’foo’) def some_func(foo=’bar’):

calling some_func with parameter foo of any value on GDAL < 2.2 raises a GDALVersionError.

@require_gdal_version(‘2.2’, param=’foo’, values=(‘bar’,)) def some_func(foo=None):

calling some_func with parameter foo and value bar on GDAL < 2.2 raises a GDALVersionError.

  • version (tuple, string, or GDALVersion) –

  • param (string (optional, default: None)) – If values are absent, then all use of this parameter with a value other than default value requires at least GDAL version.

  • values (tuple, list, or set (optional, default: None)) – contains values that require at least GDAL version. param is required for values.

  • is_max_version (bool (optional, default: False)) – if True indicates that the version provided is the maximum version allowed, instead of requiring at least that version.

  • reason (string (optional: default: '')) – custom error message presented to user in addition to message about GDAL version. Use this to provide an explanation of what changed if necessary context to the user.

Return type:

wrapped function


Set options in the existing environment.

fiona.errors module

exception fiona.errors.AttributeFilterError

Bases: FionaValueError

Error processing SQL WHERE clause with the dataset.

exception fiona.errors.CRSError

Bases: FionaValueError

When a crs mapping has neither init or proj items.

exception fiona.errors.DataIOError

Bases: OSError

IO errors involving driver registration or availability.

exception fiona.errors.DatasetDeleteError

Bases: OSError

Failure to delete a dataset

exception fiona.errors.DriverError

Bases: FionaValueError

Encapsulates unsupported driver and driver mode errors.

exception fiona.errors.DriverIOError

Bases: OSError

A format specific driver error.

exception fiona.errors.DriverSupportError

Bases: DriverIOError

Driver does not support schema

exception fiona.errors.EnvError

Bases: FionaError

Environment Errors

exception fiona.errors.FeatureWarning

Bases: UserWarning

A warning about serialization of a feature

exception fiona.errors.FieldNameEncodeError

Bases: UnicodeEncodeError

Failure to encode a field name.

exception fiona.errors.FionaDeprecationWarning

Bases: DeprecationWarning

A warning about deprecation of Fiona features

exception fiona.errors.FionaError

Bases: Exception

Base Fiona error

exception fiona.errors.FionaValueError

Bases: FionaError, ValueError

Fiona-specific value errors

exception fiona.errors.GDALVersionError

Bases: FionaError

Raised if the runtime version of GDAL does not meet the required version of GDAL.

exception fiona.errors.GeometryTypeValidationError

Bases: FionaValueError

Tried to write a geometry type not specified in the schema

exception fiona.errors.OpenerRegistrationError

Bases: FionaError

Raised when a Python file opener can not be registered.

exception fiona.errors.PathError

Bases: FionaError

Raised when a dataset path is malformed or invalid

exception fiona.errors.SchemaError

Bases: FionaValueError

When a schema mapping has no properties or no geometry.

exception fiona.errors.TransactionError

Bases: RuntimeError

Failure relating to GDAL transactions

exception fiona.errors.TransformError

Bases: FionaError

Raised if a coordinate transformation fails.

exception fiona.errors.UnsupportedGeometryTypeError

Bases: KeyError

When a OGR geometry type isn’t supported by Fiona.

exception fiona.errors.UnsupportedOperation

Bases: FionaError

Raised when reading from a file opened in ‘w’ mode

fiona.inspector module


Open a dataset in an iteractive session. module

Classes capable of reading and writing collections

class, filename=None, ext='')

Bases: MemoryFileBase

A BytesIO-like object, backed by an in-memory file.

This allows formatted files to be read and written without I/O.

A MemoryFile created with initial bytes becomes immutable. A MemoryFile created without initial bytes may be written to using either file-like or dataset interfaces.

  • file_or_bytes (an open Python file, bytes, or None) – If not None, the MemoryFile becomes immutable and read-only. If None, it is write-only.

  • filename (str) – An optional filename. The default is a UUID-based name.

  • ext (str) – An optional file extension. Some format drivers require a specific value.


List files in a directory.


path (URI (str or pathlib.Path)) – A dataset resource identifier.


A list of filename strings.

Return type:



List layer names in their index order


path (URI (str or pathlib.Path)) – A dataset resource identifier.


A list of layer name strings.

Return type:


open(mode=None, driver=None, schema=None, crs=None, encoding=None, layer=None, vfs=None, enabled_drivers=None, crs_wkt=None, allow_unsupported_drivers=False, **kwargs)

Open the file and return a Fiona collection object.

If data has already been written, the file is opened in ‘r’ mode. Otherwise, the file is opened in ‘w’ mode.

  • parameter (Note well that there is no path) –

  • a (contains a single dataset and there is no need to specify) –

  • path.

  • the (Other parameters are optional and have the same semantics as) –

  • (parameters of) –

class, filename=None, ext='.zip')

Bases: MemoryFile

A read-only BytesIO-like object backed by an in-memory zip file.

This allows a zip file containing formatted files to be read without I/O.

  • file_or_bytes (an open Python file, bytes, or None) – If not None, the MemoryFile becomes immutable and read-only. If None, it is write-only.

  • filename (str) – An optional filename. The default is a UUID-based name.

  • ext (str) – An optional file extension. Some format drivers require a specific value. The default is “.zip”.

open(path=None, driver=None, encoding=None, layer=None, enabled_drivers=None, allow_unsupported_drivers=False, **kwargs)

Open a dataset within the zipped stream.


path (str) – Path to a dataset in the zip file, relative to the root of the archive.

Return type:

A Fiona collection object

fiona.logutils module

Logging helper classes.

class fiona.logutils.FieldSkipLogFilter(name='')

Bases: Filter

Filter field skip log messges.

At most, one message per field skipped per loop will be passed.


Pass record if not seen.

class fiona.logutils.LogFiltering(logger, filter)

Bases: object

fiona.ogrext module

class fiona.ogrext.FeatureBuilder

Bases: object

Build Fiona features from OGR feature pointers.

No OGR objects are allocated by this function and the feature argument is not destroyed.

class fiona.ogrext.ItemsIterator

Bases: Iterator

class fiona.ogrext.Iterator

Bases: object

Provides iterated access to feature data.

class fiona.ogrext.KeysIterator

Bases: Iterator

class fiona.ogrext.MemoryFileBase

Bases: object

Base for a BytesIO-like class backed by an in-memory file.


Close and tear down VSI file and directory.


Test if the in-memory file exists.


True if the in-memory file exists.

Return type:



Return a view on bytes of the file, or None.


Read size bytes from MemoryFile.

seek(offset, whence=0)

Write data bytes to MemoryFile

class fiona.ogrext.OGRFeatureBuilder

Bases: object

Builds an OGR Feature from a Fiona feature mapping.

Allocates one OGR Feature which should be destroyed by the caller. Borrows a layer definition from the collection.

class fiona.ogrext.Session

Bases: object


Provides access to feature data by FID.

Supports Collection.__contains__().


Get the layer’s CRS

Return type:



Provides access to feature data by FID.

Supports Collection.__contains__().




Get a dictionary representation of a collection’s schema.

The schema dict contains “geometry” and “properties” items.

Return type:



Fiona 1.9 does not support multiple fields with the name name. When encountered, a warning message is logged and the field is skipped.

get_tag_item(key, ns=None)

Returns tag item value

  • key (str) – The key for the metadata item to fetch.

  • ns (str, optional) – Used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:



Provides access to feature data by FID.

Supports Collection.__contains__().

start(collection, **kwargs)

Returns a dict containing copies of the dataset or layers’s tags. Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and ‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional namespaces.


ns (str, optional) – Can be used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:


class fiona.ogrext.TZ(minutes)

Bases: tzinfo


datetime -> timedelta showing offset from UTC, negative values indicating West of UTC

class fiona.ogrext.WritingSession

Bases: Session

start(collection, **kwargs)

Syncs OGR to disk.

update_tag_item(key, tag, ns=None)

Updates the tag item value

  • key (str) – The key for the metadata item to set.

  • tag (str) – The value of the metadata item to set.

  • ns (str) – Used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:


update_tags(tags, ns=None)

Writes a dict containing the dataset or layers’s tags. Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and ‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional namespaces.

  • tags (dict) – The dict of metadata items to set.

  • ns (str, optional) – Used to select a namespace other than the default.

Return type:


writerecs(records, collection)

Writes records to collection storage.

  • records (Iterable) – A stream of feature records.

  • collection (Collection) – The collection in which feature records are stored.

Return type:


fiona.ogrext.buffer_to_virtual_file(bytesbuf, ext='')

Maps a bytes buffer to a virtual file.

ext is empty or begins with a period and contains at most one period.

fiona.ogrext.featureRT(feat, collection)

fiona.path module

Dataset paths, identifiers, and filenames

Note well: this module is deprecated in 1.3.0 and will be removed in a future version.

fiona.rfc3339 module

class fiona.rfc3339.FionaDateTimeType

Bases: str

Dates and times.

class fiona.rfc3339.FionaDateType

Bases: str

Dates without time.

class fiona.rfc3339.FionaTimeType

Bases: str

Times without dates.

class fiona.rfc3339.group_accessor(m)

Bases: object


Given a date, returns a datetime tuple


text (string to be parsed) –


datetime tuple: (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, utcoffset in minutes or None)

Return type:

(int, int , int, int, int, int, int, int)


Given a datetime, returns a datetime tuple


text (string to be parsed) –


datetime tuple: (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, utcoffset in minutes or None)

Return type:

(int, int , int, int, int, int, int, int)


Given a time, returns a datetime tuple


text (string to be parsed) –


datetime tuple: (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, utcoffset in minutes or None)

Return type:

(int, int , int, int, int, int, int, int)

fiona.schema module

Fiona schema module.


Normalize free form field types to an element of FIELD_TYPES


ftype (str) – A type:width format like ‘int:9’ or ‘str:255’


An element from FIELD_TYPES

Return type:


fiona.session module

Abstraction for sessions in various clouds.

class fiona.session.AWSSession(session=None, aws_unsigned=False, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, aws_session_token=None, region_name=None, profile_name=None, endpoint_url=None, requester_pays=False)

Bases: Session

Configures access to secured resources stored in AWS S3.

property credentials

The session credentials as a dict


Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


class fiona.session.AzureSession(azure_storage_connection_string=None, azure_storage_account=None, azure_storage_access_key=None, azure_unsigned=False)

Bases: Session

Configures access to secured resources stored in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

property credentials

The session credentials as a dict


Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


class fiona.session.DummySession(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Session

A dummy session.


The session credentials.




Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


class fiona.session.GSSession(google_application_credentials=None)

Bases: Session

Configures access to secured resources stored in Google Cloud Storage

property credentials

The session credentials as a dict


Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


class fiona.session.OSSSession(oss_access_key_id=None, oss_secret_access_key=None, oss_endpoint=None)

Bases: Session

Configures access to secured resources stored in Alibaba Cloud OSS.

property credentials

The session credentials as a dict


Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


class fiona.session.Session

Bases: object

Base for classes that configure access to secured resources.


Keys and values for session credentials.




This class is not intended to be instantiated.

static aws_or_dummy(*args, **kwargs)

Create an AWSSession if boto3 is available, else DummySession

  • path (str) – A dataset path or identifier.

  • args (sequence) – Positional arguments for the foreign session constructor.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for the foreign session constructor.

Return type:


static cls_from_path(path)

Find the session class suited to the data at path.


path (str) – A dataset path or identifier.

Return type:


static from_environ(*args, **kwargs)

Create a session object suited to the environment.

  • path (str) – A dataset path or identifier.

  • args (sequence) – Positional arguments for the foreign session constructor.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for the foreign session constructor.

Return type:


static from_foreign_session(session, cls=None)

Create a session object matching the foreign session.

  • session (obj) – A foreign session object.

  • cls (Session class, optional) – The class to return.

Return type:


static from_path(path, *args, **kwargs)

Create a session object suited to the data at path.

  • path (str) – A dataset path or identifier.

  • args (sequence) – Positional arguments for the foreign session constructor.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for the foreign session constructor.

Return type:



Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


class fiona.session.SwiftSession(session=None, swift_storage_url=None, swift_auth_token=None, swift_auth_v1_url=None, swift_user=None, swift_key=None)

Bases: Session

Configures access to secured resources stored in OpenStack Swift Object Storage.

property credentials

The session credentials as a dict


Get credentials as GDAL configuration options

Return type:


classmethod hascreds(config)

Determine if the given configuration has proper credentials

  • cls (class) – A Session class.

  • config (dict) – GDAL configuration as a dict.

Return type:


fiona.transform module

Coordinate and geometry warping and reprojection

fiona.transform.transform(src_crs, dst_crs, xs, ys)

Transform coordinates from one reference system to another.

  • src_crs (str or dict) – A string like ‘EPSG:4326’ or a dict of proj4 parameters like {‘proj’: ‘lcc’, ‘lat_0’: 18.0, ‘lat_1’: 18.0, ‘lon_0’: -77.0} representing the coordinate reference system on the “source” or “from” side of the transformation.

  • dst_crs (str or dict) – A string or dict representing the coordinate reference system on the “destination” or “to” side of the transformation.

  • xs (sequence of float) – A list or tuple of x coordinate values. Must have the same length as the ys parameter.

  • ys (sequence of float) – A list or tuple of y coordinate values. Must have the same length as the xs parameter.


xp, yp – A pair of transformed coordinate sequences. The elements of xp and yp correspond exactly to the elements of the xs and ys input parameters.

Return type:

list of float


>>> transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:26953', [-105.0], [40.0])
([957097.0952383667], [378940.8419189212])
fiona.transform.transform_geom(src_crs, dst_crs, geom, antimeridian_cutting=False, antimeridian_offset=10.0, precision=-1)

Transform a geometry obj from one reference system to another.

  • src_crs (str or dict) – A string like ‘EPSG:4326’ or a dict of proj4 parameters like {‘proj’: ‘lcc’, ‘lat_0’: 18.0, ‘lat_1’: 18.0, ‘lon_0’: -77.0} representing the coordinate reference system on the “source” or “from” side of the transformation.

  • dst_crs (str or dict) – A string or dict representing the coordinate reference system on the “destination” or “to” side of the transformation.

  • geom (obj) – A GeoJSON-like geometry object with ‘type’ and ‘coordinates’ members or an iterable of GeoJSON-like geometry objects.

  • antimeridian_cutting (bool, optional) – True to cut output geometries in two at the antimeridian, the default is ``False`.

  • antimeridian_offset (float, optional) – A distance in decimal degrees from the antimeridian, outside of which geometries will not be cut.

  • precision (int, optional) – Round geometry coordinates to this number of decimal places. This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.


A new GeoJSON-like geometry (or a list of GeoJSON-like geometries if an iterable was given as input) with transformed coordinates. Note that if the output is at the antimeridian, it may be cut and of a different geometry type than the input, e.g., a polygon input may result in multi-polygon output.

Return type:



>>> transform_geom(
...     'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:26953',
...     {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-105.0, 40.0]})
{'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (957097.0952383667, 378940.8419189212)}

fiona.vfs module

Implementation of Apache VFS schemes and URLs.

fiona.vfs.parse_paths(uri, vfs=None)

Parse a URI or Apache VFS URL into its parts

Returns: tuple

(path, scheme, archive)


Ensures all parts of our vsi path are valid schemes.

fiona.vfs.vsi_path(path, vsi=None, archive=None)

fiona module

Fiona is OGR’s neat, nimble API.

Fiona provides a minimal, uncomplicated Python interface to the open source GIS community’s most trusted geodata access library and integrates readily with other Python GIS packages such as pyproj, Rtree and Shapely.

A Fiona feature is a Python mapping inspired by the GeoJSON format. It has id, geometry, and properties attributes. The value of id is a string identifier unique within the feature’s parent collection. The geometry is another mapping with type and coordinates keys. The properties of a feature is another mapping corresponding to its attribute table.

Features are read and written using the Collection class. These Collection objects are a lot like Python file objects. A Collection opened in reading mode serves as an iterator over features. One opened in a writing mode provides a write method.

class fiona.Feature(geometry=None, id=None, properties=None, **data)

Bases: Object

A GeoJSON-like feature


Delegates geometry and properties to an instance of _Feature, which will become an extension class in Fiona 2.0.

classmethod from_dict(ob=None, **kwargs)
property geometry

The feature’s geometry object

Return type:


property id

The feature’s id

Return type:


property properties

The feature’s properties

Return type:


property type

The Feature’s type

Return type:


class fiona.Geometry(coordinates=None, type=None, geometries=None, **data)

Bases: Object

A GeoJSON-like geometry


Delegates coordinates and type properties to an instance of _Geometry, which will become an extension class in Fiona 2.0.

property coordinates

The geometry’s coordinates

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(ob=None, **kwargs)
property geometries

A collection’s geometries.

Return type:


property type

The geometry’s type

Return type:


class fiona.Properties(**kwds)

Bases: Object

A GeoJSON-like feature’s properties

classmethod from_dict(mapping=None, **kwargs)

Returns a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) bounding box.

The ob may be a feature record or geometry.


Lists the datasets in a directory or archive file.

Archive files must be prefixed like “zip://” or “tar://”.


fp (str or pathlib.Path) – Directory or archive path.


A list of datasets.

Return type:

list of str


TypeError – If the input is not a str or Path.

fiona.listlayers(fp, vfs=None, **kwargs)

Lists the layers (collections) in a dataset.

Archive files must be prefixed like “zip://” or “tar://”.

  • fp (str, pathlib.Path, or file-like object) – A dataset identifier or file object containing a dataset.

  • vfs (str) – This is a deprecated parameter. A URI scheme such as “zip://” should be used instead.

  • kwargs (dict) – Dataset opening options and other keyword args.


A list of layer name strings.

Return type:

list of str


TypeError – If the input is not a str, Path, or file object., mode='r', driver=None, schema=None, crs=None, encoding=None, layer=None, vfs=None, enabled_drivers=None, crs_wkt=None, allow_unsupported_drivers=False, opener=None, **kwargs)

Open a collection for read, append, or write

In write mode, a driver name such as “ESRI Shapefile” or “GPX” (see OGR docs or ogr2ogr --help on the command line) and a schema mapping such as:

{‘geometry’: ‘Point’,
‘properties’: [(‘class’, ‘int’), (‘label’, ‘str’),

(‘value’, ‘float’)]}

must be provided. If a particular ordering of properties (“fields” in GIS parlance) in the written file is desired, a list of (key, value) pairs as above or an ordered dict is required. If no ordering is needed, a standard dict will suffice.

A coordinate reference system for collections in write mode can be defined by the crs parameter. It takes Proj4 style mappings like

{‘proj’: ‘longlat’, ‘ellps’: ‘WGS84’, ‘datum’: ‘WGS84’,

‘no_defs’: True}

short hand strings like


or WKT representations of coordinate reference systems.

The drivers used by Fiona will try to detect the encoding of data files. If they fail, you may provide the proper encoding, such as ‘Windows-1252’ for the original Natural Earth datasets.

When the provided path is to a file containing multiple named layers of data, a layer can be singled out by layer.

The drivers enabled for opening datasets may be restricted to those listed in the enabled_drivers parameter. This and the driver parameter afford much control over opening of files.

# Trying only the GeoJSON driver when opening to read, the # following raises DataIOError:‘example.shp’, driver=’GeoJSON’)

# Trying first the GeoJSON driver, then the Shapefile driver, # the following succeeds:

‘example.shp’, enabled_drivers=[‘GeoJSON’, ‘ESRI Shapefile’])

  • fp (URI (str or pathlib.Path), or file-like object) – A dataset resource identifier or file object.

  • mode (str) – One of ‘r’, to read (the default); ‘a’, to append; or ‘w’, to write.

  • driver (str) – In ‘w’ mode a format driver name is required. In ‘r’ or ‘a’ mode this parameter has no effect.

  • schema (dict) – Required in ‘w’ mode, has no effect in ‘r’ or ‘a’ mode.

  • crs (str or dict) – Required in ‘w’ mode, has no effect in ‘r’ or ‘a’ mode.

  • encoding (str) – Name of the encoding used to encode or decode the dataset.

  • layer (int or str) – The integer index or name of a layer in a multi-layer dataset.

  • vfs (str) – This is a deprecated parameter. A URI scheme such as “zip://” should be used instead.

  • enabled_drivers (list) – An optional list of driver names to used when opening a collection.

  • crs_wkt (str) – An optional WKT representation of a coordinate reference system.

  • ignore_fields (list) – List of field names to ignore on load.

  • ignore_geometry (bool) – Ignore the geometry on load.

  • include_fields (list) – List of a subset of field names to include on load.

  • wkt_version (fiona.enums.WktVersion or str, optional) – Version to use to for the CRS WKT. Defaults to GDAL’s default (WKT1_GDAL for GDAL 3).

  • allow_unsupported_drivers (bool) – If set to true do not limit GDAL drivers to set set of known working.

  • opener (callable or obj, optional) –

    A custom dataset opener which can serve GDAL’s virtual filesystem machinery via Python file-like objects. The underlying file-like object is obtained by calling opener with (fp, mode) or (fp, mode + “b”) depending on the format driver’s native mode. opener must return a Python file-like object that provides read, seek, tell, and close methods. Note: only one opener at a time per fp, mode pair is allowed.

    Alternatively, opener may be a filesystem object from a package like fsspec that provides the following methods: isdir(), isfile(), ls(), mtime(), open(), and size(). The exact interface is defined in the fiona._vsiopener._AbstractOpener class.

  • kwargs (mapping) – Other driver-specific parameters that will be interpreted by the OGR library as layer creation or opening options.

Return type:



Returns a schema property’s proper Python type.


text (str) – A type name, with or without width.


A Python class.

Return type:



>>> prop_type('int')
<class 'int'>
>>> prop_type('str:25')
<class 'str'>

Returns the width of a str type property.

Undefined for non-str properties.


val (str) – A type:width string from a collection schema.

Return type:

int or None


>>> prop_width('str:25')
>>> prop_width('str')
fiona.remove(path_or_collection, driver=None, layer=None)

Delete an OGR data source or one of its layers.

If no layer is specified, the entire dataset and all of its layers and associated sidecar files will be deleted.

  • path_or_collection (str, pathlib.Path, or Collection) – The target Collection or its path.

  • driver (str, optional) – The name of a driver to be used for deletion, optional. Can usually be detected.

  • layer (str or int, optional) – The name or index of a specific layer.

Return type:



DatasetDeleteError – If the data source cannot be deleted.